NOVEL SYSTEMIC TREATMENTS FOR ATOPIC DERMATITIS AND CLINICAL TRIAL DESIGNOCTOBER 2020 | EADV Virtual Congress 2020PROGRAM CHAIRSRobert Bissonnette, MD, Montreal, QC, Canada | Diamant Thaci, MD, Lubeck, Germany | Thomas Bieber, MD, Bonn, GermanyWelcome and Introduction | Emma Guttman, MD, IEC President, New York, NY, USA Optimizing Clinical Trial Design for AD drug development | Robert Bissonnette, MD, IEC President Elect, Montreal, QC, Canada Novel Systemic Treatments in Pediatrics and Placebo Responses in Systemic Trials | Michael Cork, MD, Sheffield, UK Monoclonal antibodies targeting Th2 receptors and cytokines (e.g. IL4R, IL-13 and IL-31) | Thomas Bieber, MD, Bonn, Germany
Monoclonal antibodies targeting epithelial-derived protein (e.g. IL-17C, IL-33 and TSLP) | Diamant Thaci, MD, Lubeck, Germany
Monoclonal antibodies with other targets (e.g. OX40, IL-22 and IL-23) and biomarkers of disease response | Emma Guttman, MD, New York, NY, USA
Systemic JAK inhibitors | Eric Simpson, MD, Portland, OR, USA
Topical JAK inhibitors | Jonathan Silverberg, MD, Washington DC, USA